At that time I was a young successful Arquitect and I loved my profession!…however there was something “forceful” about it…I need it to put so much energy into it, so much effort!….Now In my sharing of Tantra I feel at ease…I just need to BE MYSELF…there is nothing forceful about it.
I was a “good girl” since young age, I always did everything “by the book” and I was very successful young woman according to society standards…however there was something inside who felt unsatisfied, my heart was feeling there was much more. Tantra showed me the Path to Self Contentment.
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Tantra showed me that to Love myself is not selfish, It is Healthy!, so I became “Loveable”, I never received so much Love from people in my Life than now.
I learnt how to touch people not only fiscally but also with my words an insights. I learnt to feel myself deeply and feel those around me.
I learned that my family is HUGE! not only those from my same blood…but those I meet in the street too.
Now I have much less Fear, I feel much more free, I do not care so much about what others think or say cause I know what is true to my Heart and this is what matters the most to Me.
Also I see the transformation in the hundreds of people who passes through my courses.They become Softer and yet more Real, Happier and yet maybe a bit more Crazy, a bit more Wild but much more Alive!.
Some of them discover new gifts new creative resources in them and change their jobs or start new ones. They discover how to love themselves and tell me right after their partners, friends and colleagues start loving them more!!
Tantra did transform me deeply and it will transform you too. Tantra will make you free and abundant..…no matter how much money you have you will feel you are the richest person in this world cause you will know…WHO YOU ARE…and there is nothing more Liberating than this.
Tantra brings me again and again to that space with in in which everything is possible and nothing really matters.